1. Case sequence - Motorcycle accident. So, let's assemble the puzzle. Due to the extensive laceration, no surgical incision was needed and all upper and middle facial fractures were fixed by wound trauma. 2.Motorcycle accident.After treat the upper and middle facial fractures, all facial lacerations were sutured. Then, the oclusion was established with Ivy loop and mandibular fixation (2.0 system). Unfortunately, the segment with anterior teeth was lost. We can note that the mentonian nerve was preserved. 3. Clinical aspect immediately after the reconstructive surgery. Now, the patient have his face and mouth back. Internal sutures were made with Vicryl 4-0 (absorbable) and the skin was sutured with Nylon 5-0. . Keep following to see the follow-up picture. . . If u not seen the previous post related to this case sequence... Please see those....
Motorcycles: “caskets on wheels!” When I was a nursing student I worked as a nursing aide on a neurosurgery floor...majority of patients were head injuries secondary to motorcycles. Long time before helmet laws.
We call them "donor cycles" because they make the best organ donors dying from closed head injury with very little else damaged