MRI Technologist
MRI Technologistabout 8 years ago
Multiparametric MRI in liver

Multiparametric MRI in liver

Figure shows the usefulness of multiparametric MRI in liver (LiverMultiScan, Perspectum Diagnostics' patented technology). With LiverMultiScan, a physician can comprehensively examine the patient’s liver by seeing the whole liver in the context of fat, inflammation, and fibrosis, whereas a biopsy only samples 1/50,000th of the liver mass. In some cases, such as in autoimmune hepatitis (AIH), there can be major regional differences in the degree of liver disease. In the image below, a biopsy may be sampling healthy tissue or a diseased part of the liver depending on the location of the sample. Seeing the whole liver with rich visual and quantitative output is a clear advantage, particularly in patchy or regionally heterogeneous disease, and when communicating with patients.

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