MRI Technologist
MRI Technologistabout 8 years ago

Gadoxetate disodium (Gd-EOB-DTPA, Primovist®/Eovist®, Bayer HealthCare Pharmaceuticals, Berlin, Germany) is a liver-specific magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) contrast agent. Several studies have described arterial phase image degradation for gadoxetate-enhanced liver MRI. These motion-related artefacts were attributed to acute but transient episodes of dyspnoea in response to gadoxetate administration and isolated to the arterial phase (Transient Severe Respiratory Motion Artefact, TSM). Gutzeit et al. 2015, propose the use of a modified, extended breathing command, which significantly improves the arterial phase T1-weighted MR image quality scores and reduces severe and extensive respiratory motion artefacts at gadoxetate-enhanced liver MRI. Fig. Traditional (A) and modified breathing command (B). In the traditional breathing command, the patient breathes freely before and after contrast injection until he is instructed to breathe in and breathe out, and to hold the breath during the acquisition period. In the modified breathing method, the patient is guided to continuously breathe in and out four times in a row before contrast media injection and to continue in this rhythm during bolus tracking until he is instructed to hold his breath for the image acquisition. This example shows the same patient in an intraindividual comparison who had been investigated with untrained technicians (left hand side) and after training of technicians (right hand side) several weeks later.

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