Levocardia:::: Reversal of all the abdominal and thoracic organs (situs inversus) except the heart, which is still in its usual location on the left. Dextrocardia :::: A rare condition in which the apex of the heart is located on the right side of the body. Mesocardia:::: atypical location of the heart, with the apex in the midline of the thorax.
Hi Dr.Sana, My self Veeraprasad i'm located in Singapore. my daughter have mesocardia disease. i have to discuss with you on this in more detail If possible can you please share your email: or Contact number so that i'll reach you. or else please ping me over the what'sapp +91-9963977756, Contact +65-98979655 or Email: Prasad.veera752@gmail.com Kindly consider my request. Regards Veera +65-98979655 +91-9963977756(what'sapp) Email: prasad.veera752@gmail.com