Dr.Sanaover 4 years ago


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about 7 years ago

There are two types of polycoria 1 True polycoria.......they will have two or more separate pupils in one eye. Each pupil will have its own, intact sphincter muscle. Each pupil will individually constrict and dilate. This condition can affect your vision. 2.False, or pseudopolycoria. You have the appearance of two or more pupils in your eye. However, they do not have separate sphincter muscles. In pseudopolycoria, the holes in the iris look like additional pupils. These holes are usually just a defect of the iris and do not cause any issues with your vision.

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about 7 years ago

Is it need to be removed?

about 7 years ago

can you still see the same way as you would with one pupil ? Or would it be different vision ?

about 7 years ago

Check this in comment box pls:)

about 7 years ago

Mostly they may have refractive errors..

about 7 years ago

Yeah true polycoria affects vision....

almost 7 years ago

Person will have diplopia and 1 should be closed itz ri8

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