Md Farhad
Md Farhadabout 7 years ago
Corneal neovascularization

Corneal neovascularization

Corneal neovascularization (CNV) is the growth of new blood vessels from the limbus into avascular cornea. Causes:- (A)Acquired inflammatory conditions:- 1.Graft rejection following keratoplasty, 2.Graft or host diseases of the new tissue, 3.Contact lens wear 4.Atopic conjunctivitis, 5.Rosacea, 6.Ocular pemphigoid, 7.Lyell's syndrome, and Steven's Johnson syndrome. (B)Infections responsible for CNV 1.Bacterial (chlamydia, syphilis, pseduomonas). 2.Viral (herpes simplex and herpes zoster viruses). 3.Fungal (candida, asperigillus, fusarium). 4.Parasistic (onchocerca volvolus). (C)Degenerative diseases such as Pterygium (D)Traumas frequently seen with CNV include ulceration, alkali burn. ■■■Here picture showing Neovascularization involving the cornea in a patient with severe Ocular rosacea.

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almost 7 years ago

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