Medshotsabout 8 years ago
Visual field lesions

Visual field lesions

These are the most common visual field lesions:- -->Central scotoma cause: macular degeneration-->Right anopiacause: central retinal artery/vein occlusion, optic neuritis-->Bitemporal hemianopiacause: pituitary adenoma, craniopharygioma-->Left homonymous hemianopiacause: internal carotid arteryaneurism-->Left upper quadrantic anopiacause: right temporal lesion due to occlusion of MCA-->Left lower quadrantic anopiacause: right parietal lesion due to occlusion of MCA-->Left hemianopia with macular sparingcause: PCA occlusion.macula spare is due to bilateral projection to occiput and collateral blood supply from MCA.

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