Medicogramover 7 years ago

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🍄 Commonly noticed Triads; Pentads🍚🍚 1. Hutchinson's Triad (congenital syphilis):    - Hutchinson's teeth (notched incisors)     - Interstitial keratitis    - Deafness due to involvement of the eighth cranial nerve 2. Charcot's Triad(for cholangitis):    - Jaundice    - Fever with chills    - Right upper quadrant pain 3. Samter's triad -bronchial asthma -nasal polyps - aspirin intolerance 4. Triad of O'Donoghue (or unhappy triad, often seen in sports injuries, especially knee injuries):    - ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) tear    - MCL (medial collateral ligament) tear    - Medial meniscus tear 5. Beck's Triad (cardiac tamponade):    - Distant/muffled heart sounds    - Increased jugular venous pressure    - Hypotension 6. Saint's Triad:    - Gallstones    - Diverticulosis    - Hiatal hernia 7. Whipple's Triad:    - Symptoms of hypoglycemia    - Documented low blood sugar    - Relief of symptoms after glucose administration 8. Cushing's Triad (seen in increased intracranial pressure):    - Hypertension    - Bradycardia    - Irregular or abnormal respirations 9. Virchow's Triad(risk factors for thrombosis):    - Endothelial injury    - Stasis or turbulent blood flow    - Blood hypercoagulability 10. Triad of Alport Syndrome:    - Hematuria    - Sensorineural hearing loss    - Ocular abnormalities 11. Reynold's Pentad (an extension of Charcot's Triad for advanced cholangitis):    - Jaundice    - Fever with chills    - Right upper quadrant pain    - Septic shock    - Mental confusionOsteoporosisOsteoporosis and OAThree important signs of scoliosisTreatment of scoliosisKyphosisCauses of kyphosis in adultsSymptoms of kyphosisSpine derangement physiotherapy

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