Andy Wells
Andy Wellsover 6 years ago
Eye removal - Evisceration 4 Petal Technique

Eye removal - Evisceration 4 Petal Technique

Evisceration includes the removal of the internal contents of the eyeball, including the iris, lens, and retina. The 4-petal technique of Evisceration allows placement of a larger implant, enables double-breasting of scleral cover, and eliminates the need for a myo-conjunctival technique. The vertical closure of the conjunctiva retains the depth of the lower fornix, which is of importance to retain the ocular prosthesis. It has several advantages over the traditional evisceration technique.

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over 6 years ago

Why was the eye removed?

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over 6 years ago

Excellent surgery video. I have to say because of the subject matter it gave me the willys to watch, esp after the petals were detached.

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