Medicaltalks almost 6 years ago
Peripheral giant-cell granuloma

Peripheral giant-cell granuloma

Peripheral giant-cell granuloma is what we call to this crazy oral pathology. This condition represents the most common oral giant cell lesion, usually presents as a soft tissue purpulish-red nodule and microscopically consisting of a large number of multinucleated giant cells. The etiology is still unknown, although there are assumptions that it can be stimulated by local irritation and trauma of the maxillary or mandibular gingiva (where is starts from in most cases). This lesion isn't considered as a true neoplasm, and it's usually not as large as in this case but has a relatively rapid growth rate, meaning that it can get pretty big if not removed surgically on time. Photo by @saeedhajizadehh

Top rated comment
over 5 years ago

How painful to get rid of it ?

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