Bhavesh Gahlot
Bhavesh Gahlotabout 5 years ago

*Hey guys sorry for belated now here's the quiz for OBGYN* ✌️. ✌️. ✌️. ✌️. ✌️ *PLEASE ANSWER IN SINGLE MESSAGE* *Max. Marks :10* *1. Your patient who is 17 weeks pregnant describes to you she has been feeling the baby move. Which terms describes this movement?* A. Quickening B. Ballottement C. Braxton Hick's contractions D. None of the above *2. Which of the following is a probable sign of pregnancy?* A. Quickening B. Goodell's Sign C. Amenorrhea D. Fetal heart rate detected by electronic device *3. During a vaginal assessment on a patient who is 8 weeks pregnant, you note a bluish coloration of the mucous membrane of the cervix, vagina, and vulva. You would document this finding as what?* A. Chadwick's Sign B. Goodell's Sign C. Hegar's Sign D. Ballottemen *4. You are measuring the fundal height on a patient who is 20 weeks pregnant. Where do you expect to locate the fundus of the uterus?* A. Symphysis pubis B. Umbilicus C. Xiphoid process D. None of the above *5. A patient with HIV is 6 weeks pregnant. What would you educate the patient about?* A. HIV is only passed through blood B. How breast feeding will help the newborn after birth C. HIV can not be passed to the fetus D. Practice safe but total abstinence from sexual intercourse during the pregnancy is recommended *6. Stage 1 of labor includes which phases in the correct order?* A. Latent, Active, Transition B. Active, Transition, Latent C. Active, Latent, Transition D. Transition, Latent, Active *7. In stage 1 of labor, during the active phase, the cervix dilates?* A. 8-10 cm B. 4-7 cm C. 7-10 cm D. 1-3 cm *8. The mother has delivered the placenta. You note that the shiny surface of the placenta was delivered first. What delivery mechanism is this known as AND is this the maternal or baby’s surface of the placenta?* A. Duncan mechanism, baby B. Schultze mechanism, maternal C. Duncan mechanism, maternal D. Schultze mechanism, baby *9. After birth, where do you expect to assess fundal height?* A. At or near the umbilicus B. 2 cm above the pubic symphysis C. 5 cm below the umbilicus D. At the xiphoid process *10. The _________ is responsible for secreting gonadotropin-releasing hormone.* A. Posterior pituitary gland B. Anterior pituitary gland C. Hypothalamus D. Thalamus

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about 5 years ago

10C hypothalamus

about 5 years ago

1 a

about 5 years ago

1-a. 2-d.3-a.4-a.5-d.6-a.7-a.8-d.9-a.10-b

about 5 years ago

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