Arlanabout 5 years ago

Hello doctors, i would like to ask if what happen if the patient got high fever and still uncounsious for 3 days due to hypertension. What are the benefits of CT scan? and would the best recommendation? Thank you

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about 5 years ago

CT brain will reveal the any brain mass or abcess or excess of fluid d/t blockade of CSF circulation. Which might be the cause of fever with htn & unconsciousness. Most probably there will be block to CSF circulation following meningitis

about 5 years ago

Thank you, what is csf? Doc

about 5 years ago

CSF:cerebrospinal fluid it is fluid covering your brain

about 5 years ago

They die

about 5 years ago

CT brain will rule out any other factors that are contributing or is the main factor of the problem. #rule out potential diagnoses

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